Jessie Kraemer

Selected publications:

“Horse Essay” | BRINK Magazine, Vol. 2

“The Wright Brother” | Chicago Quarterly Review, Best American Essays Notable

“to have eaten the octopus” | Speculative Nonfiction

“Quiet Room” | Essay Daily

Jessie is an essayist and visual artist. She holds an MFA in Nonfiction from the University of Iowa. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Mississippi Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Brink, Speculative Nonfiction, Essay Daily, and elsewhere, and her essay "The Wright Brother" was listed as Notable in Best American Essays 2021. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Book Arts at the Iowa Center for the Book, focusing on printed textiles and soft books.

She is currently working on a book about the flawed logics of Effective Altruism and love. For queries, please find contact information above.
Drawing of a horse by Jessie Kraemer
Instagram: @jkraem